Ep. 20 - The Story Behind The "Emergence of the Total Woman" - An Interview with Dr. Shelley Negelow and Lynnis Woods-Mullins
Dr. Shelley Negelow and Lynnis Woods-Mullins each experienced powerful lessons in healing from past-life traumas that led them to career paths to help other women. Over time, each has developed tools and techniques to help women discover how to make sustainable changes in their lives.
Listen in to this episode as we explore their traumas, how they overcame them, and their determination to transform their lives. Each shares their personal story of challenges and healing, and a new program they are now collaborating on. It’s called “Emergence of the Total Woman Seminar: A Blueprint for Living the Life You Love” designed for women to address their outer and inner life – physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, so they can create a life they love.
SHOW NOTES:Highlights include:
- Life lessons
- Pivotal points
- Epiphanies
- Practices for keeping balance
- Power of movement and dance
- Breaking point and the journey to wellness
- So much more than the roles we take on
Facebook – Power of Woman Seminars with Shelley Negelow
Website - http://shelleynegelow.com/
Email: PowerofWomanSeminars@gmail.com
Info Lynnis Woods-MullinsWellnessWoman40.com - a portal to all social media, women’s Facebook group, E-Magazine, books, retreats, spa days
In Facebook: Wellness Woman 40 and Beyond
Email: WellnessWoman40@gmail.com
Emergence of the Total Woman Music by Jonn SerrieIntro and Outro music composed and recorded by Jonn Serrie.
Website: http://www.thousandstar.com/
Record Labels and Links to Jonn’s Music: Valley Entertainment and New World Music